Who I am


For my works I seek inspiration in the archaic signs and symbols of the history of my island, in the colors of the sea and of nature with shapes sought in geometry, blending them with lines of modern and innovative design or irregular shapes shaped by instinct.

it is said...

``Those who work with their hands are a craftsman, those who work with their hands and their minds are a good craftsman, those who work with their hands, their minds and their hearts are an artist.``


Born in Assemini, famous Sardinian forge of important potters and ceramists, Giuliana took her first steps into the realm of clay to be moulded since childhood, in the laboratory of her skilled potters uncles. The game becomes almost vital necessity, strong of a good creativity and her innate talent. Her manual skills, as well as her ability ofshaping, start to refine. Her need to grow and improve finds her determined: so it begins her path to the art of ceramics and of the artist that has indeed become.

Her professional training’s path is nearly classic: initially attends a regional pottery course, follows then, the qualification of ceramist and her apprenticeship at some local ceramic laboratories. Further on, she attended a completed advanced training in Tuscany, to optimize her knowledge about the applications of ceramic glazes.

In 2009 she attended the Laboratories of Experimental Archaeology organized by ISSEP, at the Archaeological Site of Santa Vittoria in Serri, that will enrich herself even more. Among the many following experiences, she goes through a very intense exchange with a Japanese artist, with whom she can communicate beyond the barrier of language.

Giuliana Collu’s works are entirely handmade, made with different kind of clays and glazes of various colours. Shapes, symbols and decorations were at the beginning freely inspired by Sardinian history,  now sources of inspiration expand and refinethrough contacts, acquaintance, exchange and mutual learning with artists and cultures at the antipodes of the Mediterranean and Sardinian ones, highlighting an art of broader perspective and a more subtle and engaging charm, causing the same, ineffable universal fascination that Sardinia produces.

Over the years she received several prizes and awards. Her works are showed at museums, exhibitions and at the best Sardinian, national and international  artistic ceramics shops: Escalaria Selaron Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Artes e cultura de Ponte de Sor Portugal, Ceramica di marca ad Ascoli Piceno  (work realised for Italy’s unification 150th Anniversary), Aula consigliare di S. Teresa Gallura Sardegna, Works realised for the “Antico Sposalizio Selargino” ed. 2012/13/14, Premio Crivelli (L’Unione Sarda), Premio F.Onnis . Present with her works on art magazines “Effetto arte” (EA EDITORE), “Artistar” (Lupetti Editore) and on different catalogues of national and international exhibitions.